Author: bwang.ai4web

  • Dynamic Pricing Models

    The days of fixed pricing models are over. As competition increases and customer preferences evolve, e-commerce businesses are finding it increasingly difficult to keep up. That’s where dynamic pricing models come in. Dynamic pricing models are powered by AI-based technologies and allow businesses to price their products and services in real-time, based on factors such…

  • Personalised Recommender Systems

    Personalised recommender systems are becoming increasingly popular among e-commerce businesses, as they are able to provide customers with tailored product recommendations based on their preferences. With AI4WEB’s AI Boost platform, businesses are able to create personalised recommender systems to increase customer satisfaction and boost sales. Creating personalised recommender systems with AI Boost begins with collecting…

  • Our Story

    Our Story

    Are you an e-commerce business looking for ways to maximize your profits? AI4WEB’s AI Boost Platform could be the answer. AI Boost is an AI-powered SaaS platform that helps e-commerce businesses optimize their operations and maximize their profits. It provides advanced analytics, automated decision-making, and predictive insights to help businesses make data-driven decisions and improve…